Individual Voyages
We run a small number of voyages for individuals each year. Some of these voyages are suitable for people wishing to complete their Gold Duke of Edinburgh Residential section. It is also possible to complete the RYA Start Yachting or Competent Crew course.
Join the crew aboard one of our beautiful vessels for an adventurous sailing voyage along the British coastline! We have various options available sailing from the North East, East and South Coasts.
Living and working in the confines of a sailing vessel is the best way to form friendships, build teamwork, learn new skills and have great fun and adventure.
Extra funding may be available from our Voyage of Discovery Fund for anyone experiencing particular financial hardship.

Our individual voyages include all food onboard, waterproof clothing and safety equipment.
Further Information
Experienced Required
None – participants will have varying degrees of experience varying from nothing at all to keen sailors. Regardless, you will learn the ropes and be a hands-on member of the crew
Additional Accreditation
Royal Yachting Association, Competent Crew Certificate is awarded to those who earn it’s merit, at an additional cost of £10 per person or £20 if an RYA logbook is required to document your sea miles for future use
Equipment Required
Sleeping bag/pillow, warm clothes and stout non-slip waterproof shoes/boots. A full kit list is provided upon booking your voyage.
Equipment Supplied
Use of wet weather gear/full waterproofs, safety equipment and everything necessary for a residential afloat